Opportunity Knocking


For a few days now, birds have been trying to get my attention.  Actually this seems to be a theme as I’ve seen several other’s write on this as well.

I love hearing a Dove’s coo – a love song.  I often see cardinals, bluebirds but trust, I’m no bird expect.  I do know they are messengers.  At times I can tap into their song and receive a short message.

A bird landed at the back door and sang into the house.  It was loud and seemed to echo.  I felt blessed to have this simple yet beautiful moment.  Then later, two birds kept circling the door.  Hmm.   A bit unusual.  I could also hear off in the distance a woodpecker.  It was the first time I’d heard one since moving here.  After dinner, there was a knock on the front door.  I then about fell over laughing when I discovered who was knocking.  A determined woodpecker.  Everything is about vibration.  Everything is a sign/reminder.

Be open to opportunity.  It’s incoming.  It’s as if we’ve been on one shore, got caught up in a rip current/spin cycle/vortex and now, we’re getting ready to walk upon a new shore.  We survived the, spin and now know what to do.  What wasn’t important has been stripped away.

Today I sense doors closing.  Often there’s this lull/hush before the next door opens.  It won’t be long though.  No need to even look back, that’s not where we’re going.  Rest and… smile.  You can’t do this wrong.  The next opportunity might not be what you, think.  Keep an open heart and mind.  Trust.  The Divine works in mysterious ways.

Have a blessed day.  YOU are a blessing indeed!  Enjoy!  ♥

Picture found online:  Red-headed woodpecker pecking out a nest site by National Wildlife Photo Contest entrant Stephen Patten.

15 comments on “Opportunity Knocking

  1. Awesome, synchronicity abounds !!!
    I was at a loss as to what I experienced recently.
    A couple of doves often flock around my home but surprisingly last evening one lone dove came to my garden chanting lovely tunes over and over; and for not paying any attention she moved to my window close to my desk observing/sending repeated greetings. Thanks for letting us know.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You could have knocked me over with a feather (pun intended) when I saw this post. A couple of weeks ago on three different occasions I heard a woodpecker pecking away near my house. The words I heard were “opportunity knocking”. Thank you for the validation!


  3. We have flickers here. One is pecking a hole in the house. It will be in the bedroom soon. Our ladders don’t reach that high. They are so tenacious! We shoo them away and they are back in 10 minutes. We are not always here to chase them. I guess that’s the down side of birds, Haha. I usually talk about nature in adoring ways. Not today. Grrrrrr.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hilarious how perfect timing is! Yesterday my crow friend swooped so close to my window it took my breath! Then two days before it was playing a game with me where I would try to take its picture and it would fly around and land somewhere else. The swoop happened fittingly when I was looking up Angelic Reiki. I take it as a sure sign from Archangel Metatron that I’m onto something!


  5. very uplifting, thanks for your inspiration today my friend! I love the ways birds always seem to interact by interrupting a thought by swooping in, singing or even knocking at your door – too funny!! they interrupt, as if to say – time for a new thought- let’s go positive and start something wonderful. thanks for the uplifting note this am, have a fantastic week and hope the energy acting thru nature continues to bless your life. momentummikey 🙂


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