Changing of form


I started this blog to offer just a perspective.  My desire was to, inspire.  I offer what I receive from Spirit as a possible reminder, and at times, I “teach” what I believe, live and have experienced.  Often though, I am just a human being sharing a story.  I have grown so much from blogging.  Each post is an honor and I am truly touched by each interaction.  Thank you for reading, commenting and being a part of my journey; better together. Right now though, in this moment, I am… in a bit of shock. 

I’ve been working in the multidimensional in a new way for months now.  I need to say that if you are new to this, get used to not having proof.  I know all about manifesting and often it’s not about that.  I’ve done what many would consider, some weird stuff.  I finally got to a place though where I didn’t need, proof.  I believed and knew and that was all that mattered.

So as yesterday played out, several things came into my energy.  I saw the first, not as a test but, as confirmation that I was indeed in 5D.  I felt no attachment to the drama/story that I was being invited to enter.  I need to say the old me would have been an active participant.

I’ve learned my strengths yet also remain open to new remembrance.  There are so many ways to be intuitive and many of us have been growing into new skills.  Many of those who follow along here are very gifted and yesterday was quite synchronistic  (<3 Dayna).

For me these past few weeks, I’ve been working with an energy off and on and it’s been very personal.  A family member who I love dearly.  I won’t say, loved because love never dies.  She was the first person who pointed me in the direction of spirituality many, many years ago.  She was a Reiki Master and we’ve been doing long distance energy work.  I’ll also mention, no communication – all on the telepathic/astral plane.  So, in some ways, this is a sharing of an experience yet also a tribute.  That seems to be the right word since I am very grateful.  Grateful for every moment we shared and this experience I had. 

I received a message.  One of the words was, imminent.  While Spirit has used the, soon word with me hundreds of times, I’d never heard this word from Spirit.  I was guided to do something I really didn’t want to do yet… I did.  I’d done something similar before yet it became what I’d refer to as a set point/possible exit/timeline.  It ended up that it… (death) wasn’t chosen at that time.  Yah and I guess for me it was practice then.

I was to take a soul to the other side.  I knew this was an honor but at the same time I was even questioning the reality of it.  Really?  Now??  The choice of death is very personal and can change right up until the last second.  It’s not my place to ever make a prediction.

I was asked if I was ready and if so, she was as well.  I had to breathe and allow my heart to guide me.  I did quickly get in the zone as I sat outside.  I was then taken to her bedside.  Just me and her… and later I’d find out this may well have been the case.  I connected my heart to hers and then several more steps.  You can’t necessarily predict or have a canned routine, it will just happen as you’re guided.  Enjoy the unfolding because each experience is unique (the energy that you are working with) and symbolic.  The symbolism is a representation of the life and transition.  The symbols can also indeed later be a great place for additional discoveries.

I was to then, OMMM chant her home.  I’ve often written on the importance of music/sound in this journey.  It is a vibration that weaves right along side of all that is and happens. 

I went with her soul and landed in Heaven upon her request – yes, there are other places one can go but she wished to remain, close.  As we arrived, I watched her soul turn into a baby.  I then gave her to her mother.  This was a grand trine – three forces coming together, a union of energy.  I was now softly weeping.  A death here was a birth there.  It was an amazing moment and honestly my words will not be able to describe.

I do know that the reality of the physical form I saw is for my assistance here.  That’s how much we’re loved.  In Heaven, it’s just energy yet they care enough to show us images that we can relate to.  It brings our mind peace, which then brings our body peace.  I’ve been shown many times what another looks like in Heaven and it’s usually not what they looked like at the time of departure.

Then, I lost my voice… my throat got tight.  I could no longer om yet I kept trying.  I was now really crying as the reality was sinking in.  A key to working in the higher planes is being calm, centered and neutral/a bit detached but this was someone I knew and love.

As I came out of meditation, three birds kept circling a halo above me.  It was very symbolic.  I know there is no time so I understood that this might be a future event and not necessarily, now.  I was told though that I’d receive a call and… a few hours later… I did.  Wow.  It did seem to be a shock to my human mind.  I do this stuff all the time yet it was still a bit unbelievable… possibly because I wasn’t there in human form yet 100% in Spirit.

So… she’s on the other side.  She is not dead.  She is alive and well.  Only good can come from this.  I’ve been told consistently by Spirit that one doesn’t die… they just change form.  And often one can assume that some die alone.  Can I tell you that this is never the case.  They are anything but alone.  Thousands of Angels and Spirits usually participate in this passage and celebration.

Years ago I signed up to be a hospice volunteer.  I felt called to the work.  I had to attend several meetings yet honestly I was never instructed in the, how.  I was a bit taken back by this.  The meetings were more about the legality verses the humanity.  So I did receive several messages from Spirit (since I wanted that guidance/training) and also knew I had a former career of experiences to call upon.  Really, no special training was needed since it was all about being present, honoring, compassion and love.  So simple and natural.  There are so many ways you can energetically work with the departing.  If this interests you, you can look into this more… both online/in books… and in your heart.

To my surprise after my hospice training was complete, my services where never requested.  I was told by the regional manager, no one is dying in your area – and that was the truth in more ways than one.  So it was an attempt (often you have to try and be available) and a step in my journey.  Spirit had other plans.  Now though, those Spirit messages I’d received were helpful.

The death … changing form passage is a holy time.  It is a miracle.  And the vibration you send one home on, in some ways, matters.  If you do this work, are being called to this work, or it has come into your energy, you are indeed blessed.

Thank you for reading.  Hugs the ones you love here and now; this life is too short.



(I’ve loved the attached picture for years.  Found online and unsure of original source.)

27 comments on “Changing of form

  1. Pingback: Changing of form | Blue Dragon Journal

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I reminds me a little bit of just before my father passed in early 2012. He had been sick for years, and it finally came to a point where his body was beyond done. I sensed that he was only hanging on out of a sense of duty to care for my mentally ill mother. At this point, he could no longer care for her or himself, and I had had to arrange in home care for them both. Because he refused to talk about his inevitable passing, I wrote him a letter. In it, I let him know that he’d done an amazing job taking care of Mom, but that we “kids” could now take over. About 2 days after he read it, he died. And I’ve been told, even recently, that he’s having a blast over on the other side.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Reblogged this on 2020 Spiritual Vision and commented:

    I reblog this now since many have/are going to another side. As if a death/birth passage way has opened and will remain till the end of the year – there does seem to be times when more, go. While the first few paragraphs describe what was going on for me back in June, you can skip to the darker text. Many of us here are being called to assist and partake in this experience. To take it to a higher understanding/level. Blessings and much love!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow Molly thank you for this, SO very timely, as many are departing around me, and it just seems to keep coming. Yesterday I recieved some more sad news from a dear friend/client of mine, I was like what is going on Spirit, well I had gathered information a long while back that told me that many would be exiting, at this time, and they sure are, it’s been really hard to say the least. Your story was very profound, and helped me get it all back into perspective…..YOU are such a beautiful SOUL ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      • Annette! I love it when you share. Two weeks ago I felt soooo many departed (from here) souls, like dancing around me. Several times, literally. What I didn’t understand then was they came to assist. Well, this is always. Today I embraced and danced both in tears and joy. This is a very busy time but what’s on my radar today. I love you and am sorry for your news. Sending a big hug! ❤


  4. What a profound and beautiful experience you have shared with us Robyn.. And what an honour indeed to be present at her passing..
    Even more so to witness it Spirit side.. What a wonderful privilege you were given.
    I have had the honour of being present at 4 passings, One my Father whom I talked over to the other side.
    I saw who had come for him and that was via my clairsentience and again a great privilege to witness.
    The LOVE one feels is overwhelmingly beautiful. Thank you for sharing this..

    ( This post came into my reader, and yet it shows I am not following you on your site, so I will press follow again.. So if you see me pop up you will know why dear Robyn.)

    So enjoying your journey my friend
    Love Sue xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh my gosh I just connected to you from Adams site and I had this experience of guiding someone I had never met to the other side as well. She was only 19 in physical form here and had taken her life. She came to me the moment of her passing and it was as if she was in me as me, she had messages for her father and she was really wanting me to talk to him right away. I had only met him through a friend on FB, so I asked permission from my higher self and gave him word for word what she was saying to me! I had gone to the other side (with family who had passed), with my patients in my dental chair, yet this time was my first remote! He was so grateful, that I realized this was something to step into without making it about “ME” being the weird chick who talks to people on the other side. I am just so grateful as I write this as she fully went to the light after I spoke to her Dad through FB. Thank you so much for sharing this as this just happened Friday. Heart to Heart Robyn

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yes, ❤ to <3! Great to connect. Thank you so much for sharing this. Remote would be the exact word. I'd bet there are many souls who'd love the "escort" when really we are the ones who benefit from this. Like one could offer this service (in meditation/as practice) if there are any souls who need this. So many ways to be of service! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • That is for sure! making it about “me” has been the shift as for so many years growing up I heard. “Do not tell anyone what you see or do”. I just heard it last night again as my doubt crept in. I so appreciate the connections that have been taking place. Karin, Dayna, Adam and so many more that share with open hearts here in our high frequency family. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  6. This touched my heart very deeply. I have had several loved ones come to me, sometimes years after their passing, sometimes sooner, but they always appear so happy and peaceful. Thank you for sharing this very sacred moment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! I am beside myself today. Sacred would be the right word. I awoke crying and she was right there with me, making me laugh. I feel soo blessed.


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