Spiritual Superheroes

A few clear shots and then cotton ball clouds covered it up.  As I sat under the full moon this evening, these were the words that came.

To all the Guardians… of the Galaxy… the ones that are here and now, I salute you.

Whatever your super power is.  Love, anchoring, remembering, clearing, oh the list could go on and on.  Teachers, healers and the ones with no names/fame.  To the pioneers, light warriors, ancients… to All, thank you.

While many of you know who you are… some will question, who… ?  Hint, hint… YOU and in time you will know.  We each came in with a unique gift… to an amazing place… at a special time.  Each and every time.

So thank you for your work… service… being, you.

As I sat with the rising sun this morning… it did, for a minute,

look like the moon with the cloud cover.

And this evening, for a moment, the harvest moon looked like a rising sun.


What an awe… auspicious day and night.

So… goodnight moon and rest well sweet souls.  All is well.  Namaste.



As I connected to the grid, Spirit had a sense of humor.  It was like a role call.  All were accounted for.  And it’s not too late.  Nor will it ever be.  Join in.  All it takes is a thought/intention/peace in your heart.  While some know… just be…lieve.

6 comments on “Spiritual Superheroes

  1. Okay!!! Something VERY synchronistic just happened!! Whoa…Molly!
    I had earlier thought, way earlier today, I think I’m going to get into some archives here, well, I didn’t, as you had a recent post…..but just now, I came in with NO intention of archive, however clicked on one…..this ONE! I was reading and thinking how perfect timing, for what I thought was another ‘recent’ post! Then I went to like it, and saw I already had, and then that it was 2016….omg….Whoa! 💖💫

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