

It’s been an energetic few days.  A mild geostorm/unrest, electron flux and several starbursts.  Like a roller coaster ride, moments of up and down… and yippee… (if you like roller coasters that is).  I’ve heard from several saying, just get me off this ride.  So I could say that now is a good time to take care of self… and family.  To keep it simple.  And when in doubt, shift to a happy thought.  All is well.  What works now is… Continue reading

Gene Keys

What if our DNA is just waiting for us to allow the right code to be entered and like, Voilà, it works.  Consciousness and life changing.  It almost sounds too easy, right?  Well… we are in earth school… maybe even computer school, too – so it may take years+++ of  learning  remembering the right code to enter.

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Dragonfly Medicine

2020 Spiritual Vision


I’ve take up a new photo subject.  Dragonflies.  It started a few weeks ago on the beach as I found one along the incoming tide line and wasn’t sure it was gong to make it.  It hung out with me for awhile… and even with a broken wing, flew on.  It was a simple and special moment and a good reminder.

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A Soulstice Solstice

Mandala’s by:  megandowntherabbithole


I could say now… and the energy is… profound.  I could also say for the most part it’s… so subtle that many may miss.  And yes, there may be some rather significant energy moments – all of which the mind may not understand.  Yet it can be so simple and pure.  Solstice’s (6/21)… is a great reminder. Continue reading

Medication… Meditation

The other day as I went to write meditation, instead wrote, medication… well in ways… same thing.  Everything can become a meditation.  Doing laundry, dishes, taking a shower, walking.  It’s just a small shift in energy.  One could say being mindful… or a bit more conscious… in a certain energy… rhythm of life.  Continue reading

Rewriting our code

Some time ago I received a message on writing… and just to.  Oh many of us do write – the love/passion/it just flows.  I though never thought or intended to be a spiritual writer… it just happened.  In my process, often it’s been about the write, realize (or vice versa) and release.  As if the next didn’t start until a sharing or note (to other self’s) was sent.  Continue reading