From Fractal to Whole


While time is on our side… in this moment, no time to write so… pictures can do the job.  I was reminder by another’s words… we are taking all those aspects that we have identified, worked with, pulled in… our fractal self and now (becoming) whole.  And in this… there is such bliss.  Yes, one is always whole and complete but there are moments… of longing, wanting, needing, etc.  They are there to remind us of a truth we do know yet can be forgotten or buried.  And so we seek and come into so many layers as we come back together again and againContinue reading



In some ways this is just a checking-in.  This past week, well, it could be easy to say it’s been busy in the here and now yet… I keep coming back to a sense of peace, balance and a smile.  This is living/live yet I can remember how I lived before.  Both before awakening and at certain stages during.  Often feeling overwhelmed/not enough (hours in the day)… uncertain… or in some ways removed/hibernating.  Now I smile. Continue reading

Rainbow moments

Weeks ago I went for a short beach walk.  Beautiful!  As I walked, I was seeing rainbows… in the spray as the waves came in.  I then tried to photograph – Ha!  Can I say 20 shots and no rainbow.  Then as if on cue, an old friend greeted me and asked what I was doing.  I explained and he said, if anyone will capture it, it will be you.  He smiled and walked on. Continue reading

2016… you served us well.


It’s late yet I write.  In some ways the past few days have held a peace/silence/stillness and… then the other extreme.  It’s easy to notice the fast/accelerated/aggressive/revved up.  It can also be easy to let go and breathe in knowing.

Something profound is happening.  I had something that happened today that my mind doesn’t understand yet.  Up until even a few months ago, it would have been filed in the bizarre category yet now it’s no longer, bizarre.  It’s as normal and real as everything else.  So I will be patient and let it unfold.  There is always a great story to be told.  The veil will lift in the moment it should.  Continue reading

Patience and Patterns and…


Good morning lights and loves.  How is everyone doing?  I will share that I awoke on the wrong foot… soul?  Hmm and after two weeks of being in Blissville 100% perfect.  See, haha, no one is exempt.  It seems as if some work/clearing is indeed happening.  I know that this can quickly be remedied (we have unlimited choices/options) yet all moments in this journey happen for a reason.  Allow, honor and choose wisely.  There are times we need to see/feel some things in a different way.  It’s one of many ways we use our gifts of free will, alchemy and Mastery.  So note what is stirring in your head and heart.  You will be guided as to what you might do about it.  Or you might just do something perfect right now.

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Quantum jumps ahead

The past 24 hours have been quiet… peaceful… well, at least for me.  For the hard core spiritual seeker/ascender, these pauses can confuse the mind.  Thinking it knows what’s next or… wondering what’s, wrong.  Ha… nothing.  This is when we rest, heal, enjoy, do what we love, observe, tidy up any little (or big) messes, etc.  For many this was a full and special day.  Yet for some… well, I’ll share that… Continue reading

I don’t want to go to sleep…

Oh these words are echoing tonight.  Out of the mouth of babes.  Children remember.  They know of the magic that we quickly dismiss or take for granted.  They see and feel it… and don’t want to miss a minute of it.  It is their world.  So these simple words do seem symbolic now as well.  Once one has awoken… now is not the time to go back asleep.  Continue reading


It’s early.  The house is full yet quiet since everyone is still in dream cycles… and that is to be honored since it is important work.  I sit with the rising sun.  A routine of mine for some time now.  My heart is also full.  There is a state of peace… gratitude… reverence.  What does the next moment hold…?  One only knows.  Really, who cares when you have… this.  While the next few days may be busy and many won’t need to read this reminder/words, I wish all this sense of knowing, completeness and peace.  For it is LOVE and Divine.  So no picture this time.  No picture captures because, it is everywhere and everything.  Be this is all that you do.  The work is done, love has won.  Blessing my loves and lights.  In joy/enjoy.