Monkey Bread Casserole =

No, this won’t become a cooking/recipe website, just sharing what brings joy and diversifying a bit – SOUL food – as everything is spiritual.  I had so much fun with the Tomato Pie … on to breakfast.  Yes fruit and yogurt would be a good choice, too – I do believe in a healthy diet – at times though our body needs some comfort food.

So Ingredients needed:

  • “Leftover” bread

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The Rainbow Bridge


Well… there’s more than one kind.  For quite some time there was only one for me, as things start to lighten up and get more colorful in my personal healing, exploration and journey.  My outer world also mirror this with rainbow after beautiful and vibrant rainbow.  The past 10 days or so I’ve been working with the animal rainbow bridge.  I wrote a post on animals jumping months ago and I was then and now being literal. Continue reading

Spiritual Tools


There are moments where we need a reminder to glance at or fumble around in our Spiritual Tool Box.  To go through and see what we have available, what we use/practice, what works and now what can be recycled/donated/tossed.  We’ve gathered many tools over the years, possibly including some that have been handed down.  And we might even have some ideas on new tools, too – that we wish to acquire or create.  So while the options are unlimited, just providing a few possible reminders.  The first one even seemed to help me today. Continue reading


Sorry I’ve been away as I’ve been doing some personal and deep work… reflection.  A time to clear the channel and reset.  In some ways it feels like a decension 360 (after years and increments of ascending) and this is a wonderful opportunity/to be honored.  So I will keep this short and sweet for now.  A new and improved light grid seems to be online.  Oh the love… vastness… connection.  One may or may not feel/see yet… but it is there.  Open and expanding heart, out of mind (in a good way), ears softly ringing (so many new tones/codes), circulating in every cell of our essence and beingness.  It is cool, windy and clear here today.  A gift and fresh new start.  From this, oh the good that can come.  ❤

Total Solar Eclipse

I do often find what comes into my energy, interesting.  This was recently delivered.  When the moon covers the sun.  And, you bet this has spiritual significance!  Not since 1991 (in Hawaii ) have we even seen a total solar eclipse.  In 1979, for five states in the US.  For this one though, while still many months away (8/21/2017)  14… yes, 14 states in US.  Continue reading

Spiritual Journey = Patience

Well, a spiritual journey = a lot of things.  Alrighty lights and loves… how is everyone doing?  The energy for me the past two days has been a bit higher and I feel as if I am coming back online.  I am typing faster since I don’t seem to be agreeing with electronics.  I’ve already shorted out my laptop yet it restarted – yah!  I had this happen a few months ago, too.  You might be seeing this with lights (dimming, blowing bulbs), microwaves acting strange, cell phones, TV, etc.  All this energy. Continue reading