Welcome to the acceleration

Often I can feel when a blogging break is needed or coming yet this one just seemed to naturally happen.  At times they’re for personally reasons, other times one will feel the need to clear the channel/turn inward or, life just gets ample in other ways.  Often when I take a pause I go back and review notes made and share… yet… that’s not the direction we are heading in.  We’re forerunning and full forward into 2019 while remaining very much present in the now. Continue reading

Ascending Family and Holiday Time


For many we’re getting ready to roll into the Holiday Season.  Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza, New Years and etc.  For those on a spiritual journey, holiday time can be different… and as the journey continues, one may notice that they respond a bit different each year.  Long held beliefs may no longer resonate.  Long held traditions (the shopping, baking, decorating, meals, gatherings) may or may not continue.  And one might not realize just how much they’ve changed until… Continue reading

a light pow


Okay… just noting some of the possibilities energy wise.  There have been some energy pow’s… and I mean POW’s.  Years ago they used to feel like energy incoming and then/now very much energy awakening inside of one.  Internal and organic… and in moments may feel… Continue reading

Ascending struggle


Just wanted to check in on the current energy.  Sleep may be needed and one may be feeling significant heart expansions.  I remember when these started for me, they were borderline alarming.  Now I smile, roll shoulder blades back/open up and take a few slow and deeper breaths.  Continue reading

11/11 – 11/17 energy


I usually write of the joy in the journey as it’s always there and easy to see… yet I also have, let’s get real about how this/now feels moments.  Overall and personally I feel as if much (whatever arises) has been more neutral these past several weeks.  Yet trust the me of even a year ago (and in moments now) could provide a list of adjectives, lol.  For some though it may feel like the 9th month of pregnancy where one is… Continue reading

Menopause or Ascending or… ?

This post is not just for women.  Even more so for men.  The role that men carry now is so important and diverse during this time.  Trust me that if women wonder/question this, so do men.  Continue reading

Keep moving forward

Good morning loves and lights… how we doing…?  Holy Moly to 2018 energy.  It does seem like it’s all going on.  Discernment, physical body adjusting, reality moments and for some it may seem like Spirit’s been a bit quiet.  I’ve often noticed these ebbs as we grown into our new pair of shoes-soles-soul.  Continue reading

Checking our spiritual pulse

This journey for me has become about sharing… yet for some time there’s also the balance.  At times we live our truth through connecting, serving and being with others and then other times, we need to only be with self.  So one may feel this great call home/inward.  To let go of much that’s been and surrounds.  We are preparing for 11/11 and 2019 energy.  Continue reading

How did I get to now in my spiritual journey?

Recently I was asked in multiple… how did I get to this place in my spiritual journey?  I would later reflect on this.  While I could say, in time… and one step at a time… oh it’s been a process.  From sea to mountain tops and back again.  Like many I was born holding an energy and knowing.  Moments of feeling/blending with Spirit.  In my teen years… Continue reading