Dark Knight of the Soul

2020 Spiritual Vision


If you’re currently in or recently survived a Dark Night, you know it’s worthy of capital letters.  It is a defining experience.  If it’s been a while, you can probably now refer to it as a, dark night (lower case) and might even see the humor/irony in this word play.  You also know that it was a passage and sacred experience.  It needed to happen and served a purpose.

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Follow the Yellow Brick Road

2020 Spiritual Vision

YBR (1)

As a child, I watched, The Wizard of Oz once a year when it came on TV and it was a big deal.  I hadn’t seen it in years… maybe decades.  Now, I was seeing it through a different lens.  I found this a lesson in itself.  Our signs are there but are we seeing them?  Do we ever take a moment to pause and discern.  Question… learn… evolve?

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How are we doing loves and lights…?  Just checking-in.  Oh this seems to be a time of balance.  Some will be feeling the LIGHT.  It can present in a spectrum of ways.  It may be in meditation/rest, being awoken from sleep by it or in the body as the FLU – Frequent and Frequency Light Upgrades.  So… Continue reading

Some things have been… moved.

While there’s quite a variety one could write one, if one has been feeling off… well, just wait a bit.  Many will be coming back… online and in new ways.  Much, as always, has been happening.  What this means for each is unique.  Much (and in more than one way) has been moved or removed.  In some situations… Continue reading