When Mother’s Day is a trigger… not a celebration.


I think this will be short since I was walking out the door. I then paused. I needed to write this. Mother’s Day is just a few days away and I know someone out there will understand this writing. Continue reading

Say It Loud and Proud.


I love this picture.  It did make me pause and realize we are powerful beings and our personal energy field is also pretty amazing.  I know this yet the visual was a good reminder.  The artwork and artist information can be found at: http://rebelbam.deviantart.com/

This short article goes hand in hand with, Why do we need to ask? https://2020spiritualvision.wordpress.com/2015/04/23/why-do-we-need-to-ask-arent-our-guides-psychic/

I’ve also heard and wondered, Why do we have to say out loud our intentions and requests?  Again, aren’t are Angels and Guides mind readers? Continue reading

The Divine Feminine in you… have you found her yet?

What do you see when you look at this picture?


I see a heart. I’d meet a lady on the beach and gave her some beachcombing tips. On her walk back, she was showing me her finds. She was so kind, she actually offered me the shell but I’m a firm believer that one finds what they are supposed to. I asked her if I could take a picture and you can see our shadows a bit as we stood side by side. I’d never seen this and thought it was a great find. Continue reading

I will not…

Give up!


Two months ago I sent off a manuscript submission to two publishing houses. I was guided by Spirit to not only write the manuscript (to be honest, at the time I thought it was just for me) but to then polish and edit (a process which took months for me) and then when and where to send them. It was a huge milestone on my journey because I can’t say I ever saw myself as a writer or an author. Continue reading

Asking for a sign!

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign… just like the 1970 song by Five Man Electrical Band.

It’s true!  We often ask for a, sign.  We hope the Universe will make a situation clearer or even better, obvious for us in what action we should take.  Confirmation does calm our minds.  You might also ask for a sign as validation.  At times we need some reassurance so we can let go and move forward.  Angels and Spirits do wish to assist us and love to communicate with us.  They can come to us in different forms yet duplicate like this picture below.  The Universe does have a sense of humor.  Often you’ll feel goose bumps as well.

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