A dose of… Reality


Whoo, we interrupt this blogging break as we have big shifts happening.  So if one is needing more sleep, feeling as if they can’t ground in a reality… well, perfect!  I started writing this yesterday, realizing I do so clearly at times understand my role here and now.  After not blogging for two weeks and lot of new experiences and then from meditation and reviewing my notes, I smiled.  While I often write on the joy and bliss of this journey… I am also just as willing write about the work we do.  So I am back and that feels good.  Oh what would I do without writing.  Well… 😊

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In gratitude…

Oh for so much.  And I hope you, too.  So just a few quick thoughts to share.  While this is  (or may soon be) a busy time, be sure to check-in with self.  And be kind to self (… and of course to others) as some of these upgrades are quite physical.  After meditating this morning… Continue reading

Hold in perspective


What leads us to 2018 and our future…?  All of this work we’re now doing.  So I glance at a notebook which seems full after this 11/11 passageway.  I was often noting and now review.  Often these transitions can seem quiet yet we also knew something is going on.  And, I’ll note the current energy, too.  Honestly there are parts of it that feel, thick.  We’re forerunning the next and it does get easier.     Continue reading

Lighten the density


Well…  I seem to have several themes to note.  One of them may be… it gets worse before it gets better.  Well, I can hold this in perspective and smile (at times laugh) and hope you can too.  We just had a four day geo-storm.  The energy of the past few weeks has been like this excitement/momentum/all lining up and you seem to know and then… the rug gets pulled.  Like, what?!  So one regroups and then… the next seems to come in quickly and can feel like a meteor.  Like how much shaking things up (change) do we need…?  Hmm  😊  And when you think on ascending and descending… Continue reading


Welcome 11/11 and I smile.  I often do a recap of the past few days (stepping back can assist us in jumping ahead) yet in this moment it doesn’t seem to serve.  I will though say for many it hasn’t been easy.  Disoriented, feeling as if being  stretched  to one’s limit… as well as a list of other possibilities.  The energy has shifted yet one may or may not feel this yet.  We are full steam ahead… yet slowly.  Our body, reality and more has been under an intense process these past few days.  And now we allow it all to catch up.  Continue reading



So I just wanted to check-in energy wise.  This current pulse may not have been what one thought, yet is serving many purposes.  It does seem to be (for me) one of those more subtle and quiet ones yet… not.  I can feel it physically – whoa… and am working through it in my reality as situations/a different theme surfaces.  Continue reading

to be wrong… is ALright


Just sharing a thought/pondering/perspective as this has come up in multiple ways.  Years ago I asked to be a bit more psychic.  I’d had those moments of knowing the unknown.  Yes please, just a bit more.  Well… Haha!  Spirit had other plans.  So isn’t it interesting to then find oneself on a path were at times much is unknown and one has to embrace this.  To move into this… and then discover/experience/know.  Oh there are so many ways to be and use our gifts here.  Continue reading

Reflecting… and Light sleep


There’s been a new level of comfort these past few weeks/months… because there are times you’re significantly moved out of your comfort zone.  And so, I chuckled the other day knowing that change was coming.  I started this blog because I knew stuff.  Oh am I laughing!  Continue reading

One’s trash, Another’s treasure

It’s rare that I pull a post.  I just write from my heart and let go.  Yet words are powerful and a gift… and can also be easily misunderstood.  Plus, at times overthinking (on second thought) is part of the process so… I welcome it and paused to rethink on the original title word choice, Just taking out the trash.  We are recycling and letting go.  Yet… what’s one’s trash/junk/baggage is another’s treasure!  (And now on to what I wrote as it may assist another.)

This, too, can be done with ease, grace and knowing.  No biggie as we got this.  While there are a variety of delightful energies running, some are clearing their energy and grid.  So this may be felt in releasing thoughts, emotions, a mourning feeling, real experiences that may trigger a release or moment of realization.  Continue reading