Star codes


It’s always interesting what and when words resonates.  I do remember years ago looking up starseeds yet this journey will also quickly move one along.  Now though star origins as a topic seems to be back and possibly of importance.  To know self … and us better and in new ways.  Continue reading

Light Player


I was prompted to revisit a post, Retired Lightworker.  I wrote it two years ago and remember the post.  I was a bit confused then as I’d so aligned to that word and work.  Like what did this mean as I was happy being a lightworker… yet, I trusted the process.  Other words would also come (and go).  I will humbly say as each was a surprise and gift, Channel, Ascended Master, Guardian, Gatekeeper, etc.  They are words and ways to assist in finding each other.  And, roles/aspects that we grow into.  They serve.  We serve.  And then often we release/shed/offer up.  In this… Continue reading

trinity infinity


8/18/18, ohh I seem to be feeling this date as a series of 8/∞ energy.  Many of us need and are encouraging time/space now during this passageway.  Slow, simple, less is more, time to self, self-care, silence, meditation and… whatever brings one joy.  This is a natural process though so what is meant to happen/be… will.  It’s not that one needs to do something more/different/special… just continue to honor the process.  Many of us have been practicing this for some time now.  Continue reading

Honoring the… paUSe


While not all, many are yet again at a pause.  So I will share from a few different levels.  Often in this journey, it is busy and intense enough… and then a leveling out.  This may be a sign that one has done their work/part.  For now/the moment, lol.  It may be very welcomed.  A time to take a breathe, regroup, catch up… and even play!  Yet at times if one has gotten used to the pretty much non-stop energy/steps/Spirit stimuli… it can feel awkward… or like, what the…??  what’s next and when – let’s just keep rolling! Continue reading

Our amazing physical vessel


Our human body holds many secrets and symbolism.  No thing is by chance.  It is sacred geometry, numerology… and a sacred site. 😉  If you read nothing else, ponder or mediate on this and be shown.  I remember reading some time ago about a seven year spiritual process.  The words came and went.  Yet, I came back to this 11 months ago as I learned in seven years, every cell in our body regenerates.  Then Spirit was walking me through how every cell, organ, system (nervous, endocrine, lymphatic, muscular, reproductive, etc.), bone, hormone, etc. is touched and affected by this process.  Continue reading



Oh an interesting date and set of numbers if you like numerology.  Zero = Zero so, 812 218.   😉  Like a balancing of 11/11 energy.  So this will be short and sweet lights and loves as life is happening and upgrades, too, that need to be honored.  So just a few quick things to share. Continue reading

Is a LIGHT body… real?

2020 Spiritual Vision


I’m not sure when I first heard the term, lightbody.  I am sure it was years after I aligned to the lightworker word.  I’d bet I read it several times before it even caught my eye and then caused my mind to pause… and start wondering.  I’m sure I thought, these are just words, one is being symbolic… right?  Well… years later a lot has changed for me. 

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Decibel of light…?


First an energy update as it continues and changes often.  8/11 seems to be the next/now with the new moon and particle (ha) partial solar eclipse – then the three eclipse’s in the past 30 days will be complete.  I even paused as I was surprised what I needed to elevate with this third (symbolic) shadow.   As we do this, our body is also feeling/receiving intense waves/pulses of energy.  It’s not that one is to keep up with the energy, just to allow your experience.  I could remind that simple may be best/more. Continue reading