9/8-9/9 energy update

It’s been a bit since I’ve shared a general energy update.  Both yesterday and today many are feeling and anchoring in a large influx of energy/light.  I’ve been feeling it alternate between heart and mind.  Particularly the left frontal side/above brow and for me this symbolizes new intel.  The heart expansions have also been significant and if one’s new to feeling this energy, it can be confused for… Continue reading

Depth… and the larger process


A few weeks ago I received a message that many forerunners were at an outermost cusp and to take a pause.  Interesting as we’ve been clicking along for a while now (what feels like years).  This did interest me as I felt the pause may be for weeks and had recently wrote on honoring pauses.  So while some may be ready for the galactic/ascending next… this is about all.  Oh evolution has been fast and well paced.  Just in the last few months-year, we’ve passed through numerous energetic events and then even the 8/26 full moon/geo-storm/solar wind – for many it was like a, bam!  So while some can now pass quickly through and with ease/grace/Mastery, remember what it was like years ago?  Not so much and it did take the gift of time. Continue reading