Holding Space


Holding space is a term used in the spiritual and metaphysical world and a part of the spiritual journey.  At times, when life seems unsure, before that next door opens, or if you are processing a life event or lesson, you just need to get neutral and allow time and space to happen.  Whatever needs to surface, will.  Whatever needs to happen, will.  Holding space can happen as quickly as the two seconds it takes to make an intention and then cup your hands to symbolize you allow the space for it to work out.  You trust and believe.  You can also hold positive space at any point in your day just to raise your energy quickly.  Try it.  I’ve often heard the term used by Lightworkers.  They hold the light, the positive energy here on earth.  I believe many do this without even knowing it.

I also wish to give you more of my thoughts so here is my story, my example of, holding space, with a mix of seeing the signs and home feng shui.

Earlier this month, I checked into Peaceful Quest Retreats (PQR) in Western North Carolina and was staying in room eight.  I do like numerology and the eight to me symbolizes infinity and a constant flow of duality back and forth.  The sign by the door said, Tranquility.  I just smiled at these reminders.


I was excited to see such a cozy space.  A bathroom, a closet, a bedroom and a living room, kitchen combo.  PERFECT!  Everything I needed was here.  I was here for many reasons.  To rest… to write… to heal (everyone should be open to this ongoing process)… to see dear friends.  I was also here for reasons I wasn’t sure I even I completely understood… yet.

As I first surveyed the room, I noticed a door opposite the closet.  I opened it to find a small empty space.  I immediately saw the symbolism and perfection in this.  I survey the entire suite and saw how it was right in the middle yet you wouldn’t even know it.  I’m sure anyone else would have added something to this space.  That’s what we humans often do.  We feel good when we fill in the wholes… the blanks… the pauses.  Really, we stay too busy and accumulate too much stuff.  Part of being a spiritual being is enjoying the present moment and being light and free.  For some, the blankness… the nothingness… the silence can be scary.  I though, love it.  I find it a place where creation comes alive.  A blank canvas.  A perfect place for a Divine intervention.  A reminder to allow life to flow through me.

Stop and think of the symbolism in an empty closet or small room in your home.  I space where you just hold and honor space… nothingness.  I realize in my home, I’ve made sure that all areas are decorated and yes, some areas are too cluttered with stuff.  My closets are neat yet full.  Stuff that I love, but seriously.  Your home is a lot like your body.  It’s your temple and mirror.  What is it reflecting back to you?

Another might have torn down a wall, thinking this space was just a design flaw and useless.  Or locked supplies in it and kept it off limits.  An empty large closet?  A small useless room?  No.  My new vortex?  Yes.  There was nothing wrong with this space.  It was nicely painted, the floor was clean.  The room also had a light.  I could retreat to it in the darkness or light.  I liked that.   I’d bet many had ignored it.  Kept the door shut.  Some though, might have thrown miscellaneous or luggage in it to free up their living space.  Ah, again symbolic.  This room, that might have often been ignored, was a sacred space.  I could feel it.  Much like the space in our body that we, too, ignore – our soul.  This space was in the heart of the suite.  Hmm.  I thought of my hear chakra and then the cord and connection from our body to the Infinite.


I stepped into the space. Beam me up, Scotty!  lol.  I seasoned it by placing my energy there.  I will not ignore you.  You have a purpose.  I could stand in the middle of it and spin around with my arms out.  Creating a vortex?  Having a Julie Andrews Sound of Music moment?  Or was I just being goofy and child-like as I wanted in this private space?  All of the above and it was all good energy.  As the days unfolded and I got busy with exploring and writing, anytime I didn’t have an answer to a question that was whirling around in my mind, I tossed it into the closet.  I let go.  I’d let it season there in the dark.  I hoped when I entered to mediate, the answers would be clear.

So I was finally ready to use this small room to meditate.  I entered the room yet, I felt resistance.  Strange.  Hmm.  I’d placed my energy here.  I could faintly smell cigarette.  I was informed the former tenant was a smoker.  So I saged it.  I wiped the baseboard and floor as a symbol of renewal and to invest some more of my energy into the space.  I kept the door open and the light on.  I also decided to stop tossing my questions in there like bulky luggage.  I gave it time.  I let it breathe.  Sometimes this patience and giving space is a test in itself.

I was also realizing, I was part of the problem.  I realized it wasn’t just the room that held resistance.  I also held resistance.  How symbolic that I’d toss my unanswered questions into a dark room.  Answers come in the form of light, truth.  I had to be truly ready to hear the answers and I think I held a bit of negative childhood energy like being told to, go to your room. This wasn’t a closet to hide in, this was an energy center.

So when I was ready, I tried again.  Now, I entered the space and felt the embrace.  It was perfect.  It now smelled lovely.  It was quiet.  What a great place to stand, dance, sit… rest… ponder.  On occasion, I’d glance above to the light.  I’d remind myself to align higher.

While this room was really growing on me… I also knew.  I was not to stay in this space, forever.  I was not to hang out or hide in a small room.  I was needed on the outside.  Not only of this small room but of this suite.  I was ready to start fresh… again.  Amen.  I gave thanks for this retreat, for this suite and for this small bonus room.  A hidden gem in the middle of room eight… 8…. ∞.  Tranquility can be found here.

It was just one of many lessons I learned the week that I stayed.  So I write this piece to share my experience.  If you’re in the area and can stay at PQR, I’d recommend that you not ignore this special space.  Actually the entire place is special.  I’ve found the Divine is often where you least suspect it.  We walk right by it every day.  This time, it was in a small and simple room.  That’s serendipity and I love it!  If you can’t make it out to PQR… find your space… in you… in your home… in life.  Hold space for the Divine.  Allow them to work with you.

Please do leave your love and light in the spaces you visit… wherever it is.  Others will pick up on this positive energy.  They need it, too.  Let’s share.  In love and light.

And thank you Bobbie and Millie for having me!

http://www.peacefulquestretreats.com/  and https://momentswithmillie.wordpress.com/

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