Renewal of Faith


Oh these past few days!  How are we doing… as the energy is kicking, teehee… or flowing… right?  As I thumbed through my notebook, I could see a distinct line of what was and what’s, now.

For some this past weekend was a time to rest/renew/revise/rejuvenate/celebrate.  For some these past few days have been a reunion or… renewal of faith.  It can be interesting to see the events we may pull to us to have these moments.  Powerful energy punches can be felt and experienced in 111+ ways… Continue reading

A Master (yes, you) does not run


Well… unless you want to… unless you find joy in it.  For some, real life experiences are manifesting.  When you’ve been working in the multidimensional for a while… it probably isn’t what you thought you might manifest.  We have to work through this layer first and Spirit often asks us to stretch. Continue reading

Don’t Stop Believing!

Yes, just like the 1981 Journey song, I awoke with this in my head this morning.  The lyrics kept playing… hold on to that feeling!  I thought of my life and my current set of circumstances.  I did have much to be grateful for.  I also had some dreams and maybe I was struggling to see, how?  How was this going to unfold?  I am so human.  I have to catch myself when I start to worry on the, who, what, when, were and how.  Honestly, more often than not, my part is just to, believe!  So simple, it’s hard to do. Continue reading