Torus/Torsion Energy

First, I need to write this post from a very human perspective.  I am sure in time I will be able to write on it with a more mastery perspective.  Right now though… this is a moment like so many on my journey that my brain doesn’t understand yet wants to.  I started this blog writing on what I knew and wished to inspire.  Then some time ago I was lead to water that, for me, felt unchartered.  So I just continue to venture and share to the best of my ability.  It is a honor to write and share.  So… It happened again.  An experience I had a few weeks ago where everything became accelerated.  I was in a vortex of energy.

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Changing… yet again.


I started this post last night.  For the first time in 18 months of blogging, I wasn’t sure what to write.  With just about every post I’ve been driven to my laptop either out of the need to write or the knowing to write or… just for the sheer joy of it.  I  l-o-v-e  Spirit and writing has been a passion.  So it was strange to sit with my laptop and be so… neutral.  I did know though to, just write from my heart.  And, by today it did seem as if I had enough to write about. Continue reading

12 chakras


Well, my sign for today seems to be honking horns. Hmm.

My message was: “Do you wish to continue?” I was held in an energy. I was not to give a quick answer. I thought, interesting and a bit surprising. Not what I expected to hear today. I can remember times when I wanted to give up on the, and my, spiritual journey yet was encouraged by Spirit to just give it a bit more time. Continue reading