Flowing Circles


Oh nothing like the cold to wake you up!  Gheez… I am a mermaid and it’s cold here.  Contrast though can shake one up… and inspire.  Bringing a-ha’s and making some things crystal clear.  So see how you feel… what you say – all messages in there own way. Continue reading

leave me the Namesta alone


There are times in this journey it’s a challenge to express and describe exactly what’s happening within you and what you’re experiencing.  And often, even to those who are in your spiritual circle, closest friends and family members.  At times we keep quiet/more to ourselves as we process… knowing we’ll get to a place of understanding and relaying.  Yet at times, moments come where the two collide.  Another seems to need an understanding (or something) in the exact moment you need time/space – as it is that intense.  Well, this is a journey of enlightenment, love and transcending for all.  Many of us are not in the hermit/monk lifetime now.  We are front and center… where or whoever that might entail.  Continue reading



Ahh, a rainy day.  Seems to remind me, there are times in this journey where sleep is so important.  To dream… to “work”… to remember… to upgrade… or just to rest/recoup/heal/reset.  Trust your body/process/nudges… 🙂  ❤