Open up and receive


I’ve been praying on something for about a year now.  We all have our items we need a little help with.  I’ve been open to guidance and have been willing to do my part as well.  While this topic has been important to me, it didn’t seem as important to the Universe.  So… I let go and trusted. Continue reading


I am… laughing my ass off.  I awoke to, Help me, help you.  What?  Like Jerry Maguire??  My angel is in agent form like Tom Cruise??  Here’s just a reminder:

In what way(s) are we still being… stubborn?  What are we still holding on to that is not serving us?  Where are we still a bit off track and asking for the wrong things to manifest?  Struggle is the old way.  You are not a lost or stuck soul.  You are in transition and movement.  Letting go and being open is our walk right now.  Flowing.

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Waiting on a paycheck from Spirit/God/The Universe?  Well…

This past week I’ve watched a few telecasts and they all spoke on, money.  How fitting since it’s that time of year – the holidays. Many of us have life lessons with money… or should I say, abundance/giving and receiving/being provided for. Continue reading

Fear Not


I have a fear.  So how do I get to, fear not?  Because I know that this fear is not me.  I brought this fear though, with me, into this life.  I’ve had it all my life.  It’s manifested in different ways over the decades.  While I’ll tell you mine, just fill in your own. Continue reading