Feel it to heal it


I had an interesting set of dynamics surface and at first couldn’t see the teaching that was coming to light.  Oh this journey always has a surprise… and a possible teaching moment.  What I have learned from past/years of healing work is… if one is willing to go there, one can get to the other side of it.  And from this life changing and systemic transformation can happen.  Continue reading

Be in relationship with the journey


Yup!  The energy is kicking this morning.  Multiple energy sources, too.  So it runs the gamut.  One may be feeling (heat, heart racing, lower body ache, etc.).  The mind releasing a plethora of random thoughts.  Feeling/dreaming a stronger Spirit connection – if even for just a few minutes.  One may also be experiencing or observing… Continue reading

Make it worth your wild


I started to write this the other day and noted:  In ways it’s been spiritually quiet and subtle for several days now.  It can feel like peace, ease… enjoying the now and/or a fresh new start.  This may not be true for all as we are each experiencing what we need to.  One may think/feel we’re waiting on Spirit but… it may be more like Spirit is waiting on us.  This is a time to do/experience/live and trust that the Universe knows how to get our attention if needed.  Continue reading

Feelin in Heart Space…?

CORÁZADEAMOR    heart-spiritual-tumblr_nudz412zjc1sofkn4o1_500

Over the years many of us have had a variety of heart sensations and moments.  Anything from rapid/accelerated heartbeat to heartburn, pain, anxiety and even the wonderful heart openings and butterflies.  A newer one though surfaced for me about 10 days ago and now.  A different feeling than before.  I know that for I/many when they first started, it was concerning.  What was this and was it medical…?  Continue reading

Fear, Pain and… Writing


It’s been a while but I have written on fear before.  Well, actually a few times.  Yet, I have new stories to tell.  LOL.  As a writer one needs to write and I often do with passion.  It just  flows.  Yet, I have experienced telling what was a very true (to me) story and the pain that can be caused when another party reads the words.  Like, yikes how did that happen/wasn’t suppose to/not the intention.  There are many sides to a story.  For a while it kept me from writing.  I then chose to write again yet, differently.  I also though think of the four agreements.  So… let me not digress but tell a new short story on fear… and pain. Continue reading