Freedom and Creation

Ahhh now…  I didn’t think I had much to share yet as I glanced at my notebook, I then found myself here typing away.  Mother’s Day may have brought an invitation for some to grown more (or in a new way) into their matriarchal role.  And hmm, necessity… the mother of all creation.  Continue reading

Appreciate the Canvas

The potential… for it is yours.

Weeks ago I was forewarned that another process would be unfolding.  Lol, always.  I started this year with/in great energy.  The past 2-3 weeks in a way though, have been a blur.  Each day a bit different and staying present.  Notebook close as dreams, messages, signs, a-ha’s continue.  And feeling/observing the different energies available.  Continue reading

Tossed Salad


Well, that’s what this past week has felt like. I’ve had a week of messages, intense energy, signs and also feeling very human. Actually, one day by 4 p.m. I just wanted to go to bed for the night which is not like me. Each moment has been different. So let me toss your way the random that I’ve experienced. Maybe it’s not so, random.

I’m certain that we have more than one twin flame soul mate. Continue reading

Fear Not


I have a fear.  So how do I get to, fear not?  Because I know that this fear is not me.  I brought this fear though, with me, into this life.  I’ve had it all my life.  It’s manifested in different ways over the decades.  While I’ll tell you mine, just fill in your own. Continue reading