Much Love

So where were we…?   lol    Oh yes, moving forward.  Gheez some deep stuff is surfacing.  Full moons will bring much to light.  I do remember though years ago I was like, it will?  We are exploring possible timelines and making choices.  While this often happens in our sleep state, very much now in our reality.  Often times we are held in a reality/timeline and boy do we feel it… till we can let go.  Continue reading

Rays of Light, Part 2


If you are just starting here, please see Part 1.  For all others, welcome back and thank you for reading.  As just a reminder, read a bit slower and know this is just a perspective. There is a lot of information here that needs to be slowed down and digested but for now I’m just passing along.  With channeled messages, they often open windows, doors and hold multiple meanings and… often a healing is also taking place.  While some words/messages may seem obvious, trust that the words are going deeper for those who need it.  I’m also leaving my now perspective out of this as well.  There are so many energies available and my guess is some (who may be new to channeling) might be receiving similar messages and it can bring relief when you find that another is/has also received.  Continue reading

Message from Spirit: Caregiver or Give Care… to a parent who didn’t understand you.


At times I pause as I start to write. I know that I am a channel and to pass along information. A perspective and I know that there are many. So this topic felt a bit, taboo since I was raised and do believe in caring for our elders. Yet it was brought to my attention that many in the spiritual healing arena are of an age where they will be called upon to provide care for their parents or an extended family member. And many of these healers became healers through being birthed to parents and families who did not believe in or care to understand healing and what they might refer to as, woo woo spiritual matters. It was their role to stay asleep. The experiences though, that a healer endured and survived, can range from a general misunderstanding to outright abuse. For some, they had to learn from the confusing, I love you yet I will also hurt you. If you’re reading this, you know that love shouldn’t hurt. Continue reading

From Triangulation to Freedom


Oh I love it when a “surprise” comes into my energy.  To be honest though, the surprising energy has long been there. It’s easier to just, not see it. We deal with issues as we can.  Today, triangulation.

I first heard this word years ago. I was told, “You’re being triangulated.” I didn’t understand what this meant but from reading body language, I didn’t think it was a good thing.

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A Teen Mood Swing

This has been written by a mother who is certain this is how many of our teens feel, at times.  The teens years are challenging for all and an amazing time of transformation.  I encourage parents, family members and friends to relax and assist teens in their journey.  Do not react, stay present and evolve… together.  We are all in this together. Let’s assist our children and teens through the mood swings of life.


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Being… a present parent.


Our children chose us. What an honor. At times though, parenting is… not quite what we thought it might be. At times it requires much from us. Patience, support, forgiveness, trust, discernment, letting go. It’s also easy to get swallowed up in the fast pace world and lose sight of the simple, good and important things in life. Trying to balance work demands, our adult stress and also wanting to be a “perfect” parent that gives and exposes our children to all of the joys in life. We want their life easier and better than ours. I’d bet it already is so no sense in driving yourself crazy. Parenting and parenting styles are also changing like the world that we live in. If you are feeling the whirlwind around you, this writing is for you. Parenting can be simple. Yep. Sometimes we just need to pause and ground ourselves. Our children do wish to see us at our best. Not tired… stressed… grumpy… confused. They wish to see us, present. Like a present. With a smile on our face and an open heart and arms. And it is possible to be this type of parent. Perfection is not needed. Moments, though, are. Continue reading

Soul self-care


I’m a mom and a girl-scout by heart.  My Mickey tin of Band-Aids has been with me for years.  I don’t think I’ll ever outgrow it.  I’ve often said, I have a Band-Aid for that.  I went to re-stock it the other day and thought of how many types of Band-Aids this tin has carried.  From small to large plain ones, to camo, to hot pink (just because they made them).  I chuckled as I opened this Band-Aid.  Yes, this expression looks familiar.  Life is often unexpected.  Oh my, how did this happen?  And… why?  Continue reading