Inside… Out

Oh the answers… and this process really is.  We’ve been doing it for years now as if almost innately known.  And the work is becoming more and more real/tangible… in our reality.  Over the past week, my notes have been describing in more detail.  While many ways/words, it can be simple.  Happiness (and everything else) really is an inside job. Continue reading

Moment for Life

Oh where to start. Where has this week gone? This year. What? It’s almost May? Haha. I just came in from outside where it’s dense fog and lightening here.  No rain.  I can’t say I’ve ever seen this combination.  Interesting?  Yes!  If you follow my blog, I often wrote on fog a year ago.  Fog is to be enjoyed yet a sign to go slow and be vigilant.  Lightening… power.  With five planets in retrograde, wowzers!  And today was.

Spirit will raise you up so high you are certain you’ve been given wings. It will also humble your ass right down.  I was driving and this Nicki Minaj song came on the radio. Continue reading